Most mornings at five a.m. you can find my hunched over a computer, typing furiously in an attempt to capture the stories running through my head. Sometimes it's an article and sometimes it's a thread of a poem that's managed to capture my attention long enough for me to actually get it down, work with it and spin it into something worth reading later. But mostly, what you can find me working on before the sun rises are novels.
I've been writing for as long as I can remember, but it's only in the last two years that I thought to do something with it. In 2021 I wrote my first book. Then I wrote another. And then in a furious sprint across ten days in December of the same year, I wrote a third. I guess you could call it an obsession now. Or maybe an addiction.
I've found it keeps me sane, somehow. Keeps my demons at bay and gives me just one more reason to get out of bed in the morning. So each morning, at five a.m. there I am, typing away, trying to get out of my own way enough that the words printed on my soul can find their way into the light and onto my pages.
Welcome to my Medium profile.
I write about writing, life, love, sex and lots in between.
Connect with me at Hello@TypewrittenLoveNotes.com
On Instagram @TypewrittenLoveNotes // Online at www.TypewrittenLoveNotes.com

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