Member-only story
I Never Knew Love Until I Learned to Settle

I never knew good love until I learned to settle.
Not settle as in give up those things that are important to me for the illusions of happiness or fulfillment, but settle like the silt out of muddy water which makes room for clarity as it steeps in stillness.
In today’s hyper-connected world, the internet abounds with the idealistic spew of youthful optimism dangerously combined with millennial entitlement.
As I write this, I’m 30. As a millennial, I understand the concept that we must fight for what we believe in. We must never give in to the devilish temptations of our parents’ Good Enough. And we must forge bravely forward with unrealistic expectations in order to stand some chance of surviving the apocalyptic reality into which we were born.
But when it comes to love, I think we’re missing the point. Our fire is burning more forests than it is releasing seeds. I cannot open a web browser without at least one mention of encouragement to “wait for the right person — wait for someone who deserves you!”
And to an extent, I think this is helpful. After all, we do live in a world where more love is made by swiping right than sitting contentedly on a park bench, getting to know…