Oh my gosh - it can go so many ways. I've had a few women straight up opt out after learning about my writing. I've had others that will sit in the bath and read my work for hours, and then send me nudes. I'm not even joking - and I don't mean it to sound like I'm bragging. I just mean to illustrate the vast array of responses I've encountered.
I also had an interesting experience where an employee of mine (at my normal person job) had been a fan of my writing on other platforms before coming to work from me, and had some... interesting ideas(?) about what she and I might get up to. So THAT experience led me to write under a pseudonym, even though it meant mostly destroying cross-platform credibility.
Here's the thing, though - writing under a pseudonym has been really great. This question you're asking here is one reason. It means potential partners don't find out about this part of me until I'm ready. They may find other platforms, but not this one, which is most active and up to date.
The other reason its been freeing to write pseudonymously is because it means my extended family, my girlfriend's family and friends, etc, also don't accidentally encounter my more provocative and revealing stories.
I think ultimately it comes down to finding someone who's open to knowing secrets they might not otherwise encounter. Someone who has good communication skills, who can ask questions and engage in conversation about what you've written. And there's an element of trust, too. My rule is that if I'm going to write anything potentially edgy about my current or past partners, I'm either going to remove all identifiers (including words like 'current girlfriend', etc) or I get permission from the parties in question before publishing.
And regardless, in my current relationship, we've decided it's a good idea for me to send draft links once my pieces are done and waiting for publication, not so she can approve of them, but so she doesn't feel like she's getting blindsided when some new bit of my heart ends up splattered across the internets.